Kansas Career Navigator

Kansas Career Navigator is located in the side menu and provides links to job searches and employment statistics. It is a great resource for learning about high demand, high wage occupations near you, as well as forecasting the stability of your chosen occupation and its wages. Kansas Career Navigator also helps find high school and college courses to gain knowledge and experience in high demand occupations.

Click Kansas Career Navigator from the side menu to open a drop-down list. Click a topic below to be taken to a single selection.

Educational Training Provider

This search provides details about high demand training programs in your area.

  1. Enter your desired degree program and ZIP code and click Search.
  2. A list of relevant occupations displays, 10 results per page. Each result includes the name of the institution and program offered, occupation, estimated cost and required hours to complete degree, current number of jobs available for that occupation, relative to your location, and the entry-level, median, and experienced workers’ wages for your location.
  3. To complete another search, enter a new degree program or ZIP code.

Full Occupation List

This link navigates to Occupational Wages by Local Area on Kansas Career Navigator. All occupational wages will display, relative to your location.

  1. Enter an occupation or keyword into Search, select your area from the Local Area drop-down, enter your expected wages in Median Level, or select a filter sort in the Sorted By drop-down.
  2. A list of relevant occupations displays, 100 results per page. Each result includes the local area number, occupational title, the number of people employed in that occupation, relative to your location, and the entry level, median level, and experienced level wages for your chosen occupation, relative to your location.
  3. Click any Occupational Title under the list that is a hyperlink to display a page with the most common tasks and duties for that occupation.
    1.  Scroll to the bottom of the page to view a list of institutions relative to your location offering programs related to your chosen occupation.
      1.  Click the Program Title to navigate to more information on that program.
      2. A page displays for that specific college or university’s program. Each result includes the contact information for the chosen school or university, the estimated time to complete the degree, estimated cost to complete the degree at that institution, and the average number of completions per year. More information on the occupation’s local area openings, requirements, salary, and level of demand are also included.
        • To navigate to the associated website, click the name of the institution.
        • To navigate to job openings on KANSASWORKS, click the hyperlink for Current: under Local Area Openings.
        • To read similar information on specific occupations within a certain program or degree, click any occupations listed at the bottom of the page under Local Areas [1, 2, 3, 4, or 5] Occupations Related to the Program.
      3. To return to the list of task duties, use the back button in your web browser.
    2. To return to the Occupational Wages by Local Area, use the back button in your web browser again.
  4. To return to the Job Seeker Dashboard, use the back button in your web browser again.

Local High Demand High Wage Occupations

  1. This search provides details about high demand, high wage occupations, relative to your location.
  2. Click Search.
  3. A list of relevant occupations displays, 10 results per page. Each results includes occupation titles, current openings in the local area, entry level, median level, and experienced level wages, amount of required experience for your occupation, and education level required for your occupation.
    1. Click an occupation title. Wage and career outlook information display on a new page.
    2. Click Want more information? to navigate to the Occupational Outlook Handbook from the Bureau of Labor Statistics in a new window.
  4. To return to your search, use the back button in your web browser.